Urban agroecology: interdisciplinary research and future directions
Urban agroecology: interdisciplinary research and future directions / Monika Egerer, Hamutahl Cohen. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2021.

Sommaire :
- An expanded scope of biodiversity in urban agriculture, with implications for conservation
- Complex ecological interactions and ecosystem services in urban agroecosystems
- Climate factors and climate change in urban agroecosystems
- Restoring soil and supporting food sovereignty in an urbanizing world: An interdisciplinary perspective
- Urban foraging: Where cultural knowledge and local biodiversity meet
- Agroecology as Public Health: The island example of Tasmania
- From individual seeds to collective harvests: urban agroecology as political action
- Surveying the landscape of urban agriculture’s land politics: Civic, ecological, heritage-based, justice-driven, and market-oriented fields
- Co-producing agro-food policies for urban environments: towards agroecology-oriented local food systems
- Holistic pedagogies for social change: reflections from an urban agroecology farmer training
- Growing Together: Participatory Approaches in Urban Agriculture Extension
- How to study the ecology of food in the city: an overview of natural science methodologies
- Navigating Urban Agroecological Research with the Social Sciences
- Agroecological transformations in urban contexts: transdisciplinary research frameworks and participatory approaches in Burlington, Vermont
- Multidimensional challenges in urban agricultural research