Find below in .pdf format the training materials developed by the librarians of The Source.
Most of them are available for users identified on doc.isara, after authentication at the top of this page.
Information search (english)
To access the self-training module on information search (defining your needs, building your query…), visit the dedicated page on our portal.
Bibliographic referencing (english)
To cite your sources in a complete and homogeneous way, in compliance with Isara’s specific guidelines, based on the style derived from the international standard ISO-690:2010, consult the page dedicated to the Guide to bibliographic referencing in the ISO-690 style.
Reference management software: ZOTERO (french)
To access the Zotero user guide (installation and operation of the software) in .pdf format, please consult the page dedicated to the software user guide.
You’ll also find our Zot’Hero Tutorials and answers to all your questions!
Discover our tips for creating an online Zotero account, sharing a library via a group, integrating the Zotero module into your word processor, or downloading the Isara – ISO-690 style (author-date, French) from your software’s Preferences module.
Information monitoring (french)
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