Access Médiathèque Numérique
To access this service, you must first register by filling out this form with your Isara email address.

Discover Médiathèque Numérique
What is Médiathèque Numérique?
The catalog of Mediathèque Numérique is made up of more than 7,500 films from the best of the ARTE and UniversCiné catalogs. You will find a selection of French and international cinema in long and short films, series, documentaries, shows and concerts.
How does Médiathèque Numérique work?
Possibility to watch 3 movies per month
Ordered film available 30 days on your account
Film started viewable during 48h
To access this service, follow these steps:
- Register by filling in this form, with your Isara email address;
- Validate your registration request by clicking on the link you will receive by email.
You will then be able to access Médiathèque Numérique and choose the films you wish to watch from the list.
Your personal account allows you to watch 3 movies per month, each movie equals one credit.
Once the order of a movie is validated, a credit will be deducted and you will have 30 days to watch it from your account if you decide to watch it later, or 48 hours if you have already launched the reading of the movie. During these 48 hours, the movie can be viewed an unlimited number of times, from any media.
This service is available for streaming and downloading on computers (Windows and IOS), tablets, mobiles, and is compatible with all browsers. We recommend the use of Chrome and Firefox browsers.